Tianze Zhang, Chief Representative of CIRID in Vienna

Bridging the AI Divide: Our Moment to Rewrite the Future by Tianze Zhang

Speech by: Tianze Zhang, Chief Representative of CIRID in Vienna

Tianze Zhang, Chief Representative of CIRID in Vienna
Tianze Zhang, Chief Representative of CIRID in Vienna

Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the United Nations. Welcome to the AI for Developing Countries Forum.

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes. This profound insight reveals the essence of human civilization’s evolution. Each era faces its unique challenges, yet echoes the past in subtle ways. Today, we stand at the frontier of the artificial intelligence revolution, and in our ears, we can almost hear the echoes of steam engines from two centuries ago. The Industrial Revolution reshaped the world order, creating unprecedented wealth, but also exacerbating global inequalities. Its rhythm was the beat of machines, the routine of factories, the bustle of cities. Now, the rhythm of artificial intelligence is quietly emerging: the elegance of algorithms, the flood of data, the quantum leap of intelligence.

However, the similarity in rhythm does not dictate a similarity in outcome. We possess insights our predecessors never had, and with this comes the responsibility to compose a more harmonious verse. In this new poem, technology should no longer be the patent of the few, but the common wealth of all humanity. Innovation should not widen divides, but build bridges across them. Technological progress must not come at the cost of our humanity. Artificial intelligence has given us the power to reshape the world, but it also tests our wisdom and our morals. We must ensure that in this revolution, no nation, no group is forgotten or sacrificed. This is our duty, our challenge, and our opportunity to redefine the future of human civilization.

Addressing the global challenges brought by artificial intelligence requires unprecedented cooperation. Therefore, we are strongly promoting collaboration between public and private sectors, committed to improving the current state of the world. We anticipate and strive to foster synergistic cooperation among governments, businesses, civil society, and various other sectors. Only by moving forward hand in hand can we effectively address the complex challenges posed by AI development. Here, we are not pursuing closed elite dialogues, but open and equal conversations. We seek free exchanges of ideas and the collision of diverse viewpoints. We deeply understand that true innovation and progress often emerge from the intersection of multiple perspectives, rather than the self-reinforcement of a single viewpoint.

“Only by gathering wisdom from all sectors and integrating different perspectives can we fully grasp the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence.”

We advocate for a global citizenship consciousness that transcends national boundaries. In this interconnected world, the impact of AI knows no borders. Therefore, we must examine and address the challenges brought by AI from the perspective of a shared future for humanity. This is not just a matter of wisdom, but a profound responsibility.

Therefore, today, I warmly welcome you all – over 330 representatives from more than 50 countries and regions who have gathered here. You come from diverse backgrounds – businesses, legal professions, governments, international organizations, academia, and non-governmental organizations. You represent both developing and developed nations. Your backgrounds are wonderfully varied – whether you are corporate innovators, legal defenders, government decision-makers, coordinators from international organizations, academic thinkers, or activists from non-governmental organizations. Regardless of whether you come from developing or developed countries, you all share a noble mission: to harness the powerful tool of artificial intelligence to bridge the digital divide and reduce global inequality.

Only by gathering wisdom from all sectors and integrating different perspectives can we fully grasp the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence. Each and every one of you is an essential part of this dialogue. You not only represent your own organizations and countries but also carry the shared expectations of all humanity for fairness and progress.

In the AI for Developing Countries Forum, we advocate for constructive rather than political dialogue, uphold forward-thinking rather than short-sighted considerations, pursue collaborative rather than confrontational interactions, encourage inclusive rather than exclusive exchanges, and insist on open rather than closed knowledge sharing. We are committed to building diverse rather than uniform ecosystems, promoting empowering rather than controlling technological applications, fostering shared rather than monopolized resource allocation, and establishing mutually beneficial rather than exploitative partnerships. Through these efforts, we aim to create a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable environment for artificial intelligence development, bringing genuine progress and well-being to the world, especially to developing countries.

Tianze Zhang, Chief Representative of CIRID in Vienna

We firmly believe that organizing this forum is a long-term process of continuously changing the world, rather than a single, isolated event. It is with this conviction that my colleagues and I have thrown ourselves wholeheartedly into the preparatory work. We have made over 2,800 phone calls, conducted more than 300 online meetings, and organized 15 global offline events, all to better serve you – all of you who are dedicated to improving our world. Nevertheless, we are acutely aware of the shortcomings in our work. We sincerely welcome your criticisms and suggestions, and we fervently hope that you will join our ranks. Let us look forward to our reunion in six months’ time at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, and to our gathering a year from now in the glorious Viennese summer. We will continue to strive tirelessly towards this noble goal. Together, let us witness and drive how AI can truly change the world!

This year, our forum adopts the theme “Fair AI for a Fair World,” focusing on two core topics: “BRIDGING DIVIDES, BUILDING FUTURES: AI FOR INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT AND DIGITAL SOVEREIGNTY” and “AI JUSTICE FOR ALL: VOICES OF CHANGE. “Over the next two days, we will delve deep into how AI can promote inclusive development, safeguard digital sovereignty, advance judicial justice, and address the challenges faced by developing countries in areas such as human rights, sustainable growth, and data ethics. From corporate competitiveness to judicial reform, from energy infrastructure to global governance, we will comprehensively examine AI’s impact on developing countries.Let us work together to ensure that AI technology truly serves all of humanity, paving the way for a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable future for developing countries.

At this moment, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all individuals and organizations who have contributed to this event. First, I thank CIRID (Center for International Research and Independent Dialogue) for their tireless efforts as the main organizer, and the Swiss Chinese Law Association for their strong support. I would like to extend special thanks to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for their invaluable assistance. I am deeply grateful to Mr. Jean-luc Lemahieu, Ms. Mirella Dummar Frahi, Mr. Anders Frantzen, Mr. Billy Batware, and Mr. Martin Vrastiak for their outstanding contributions in promoting cooperation between the public and private sectors.I also want to express my special appreciation to Mr. Linto Thanikkel from the United Nations Conference Services, who provided indispensable support for this event. Lastly, I extend my sincere thanks to all the organizations supporting this event. It is because of your collective efforts that we are able to gather here today to discuss the opportunities and challenges that AI brings to developing countries.

We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails. Amidst the surging waves of artificial intelligence, we bear the great mission and responsibility of redefining human civilization. The moment to ensure that AI benefits all of humanity has arrived. This is not just our responsibility, but an unprecedented opportunity. Undoubtedly, this journey will not be smooth sailing; challenges will inevitably follow one after another. But I firmly believe that as long as we stand united and move forward hand in hand, we will ultimately become stronger, capable of meeting any challenge.Let us work together to adjust our “sails” and navigate the “winds” of artificial intelligence, creating a fairer, more inclusive, and more prosperous future for all humanity.

Thank you All!