Univ.-Prof. DDr. Ferdinand Rudolf Waldenberger
University Professor, SFU Vienna
"I would like to sharpen our view of the future conception of man and the enormous impact of digitization on society and socialization. And: ethics should not impact digitization like a handbrake the landing maneuver of a jumbo jet!"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Rudolf Waldenberger is a distinguished cardiac surgeon with a formidable career highlighted by pioneering achievements. Born in Steyr and educated at the University of Innsbruck, he performed his first heart operation at 25 and was pivotal in the first heart transplant in Austria and the world’s first successful heart transplant in a newborn. Prof. Waldenberger has also conducted groundbreaking bypass surgery in Berlin and implanted numerous artificial hearts. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Rudolf Waldenberger is leading two of the largest hospitals in Austria and the chair of Health Economics and Organizational Ethics at the SFU Vienna as well as the development of Digital Medicine at the Landsteiner University.